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Green Mizoram Day observed in Dampa-Thorangtlang landscape, Mizoram

11 Jun 2024
Under the Green-Ag project, Mizoram observed Green Mizoram Day in the Dampa-Thorangtlang landscape on 11 June 2024. Green Mizoram Day is a state-specific annual event to promote environmental conservation and afforestation in the state. The theme for this year is “Plant Trees for Your Life,” encouraging local communities to increase green cover and enhance environmental awareness.
The day was observed by planting 180 fruit and ornamental trees in Lunglei and Mamit districts. Nearly 2,367 students from 60 schools, including both middle and primary levels, participated in this event. This effort was part of a broader strategy to integrate environmental education and hands-on conservation activities into the school curriculum. The project mobilized existing eco-clubs, groups formed within schools to promote environmental activities and awareness amongst students. The students were also educated on the importance of environmental stewardship and the critical role trees play in maintaining ecological balance and combating climate change.
The efforts primarily aimed at engaging young minds in environmental conservation. The involvement of eco-clubs ensured that the activities provided a structured way for students to contribute to their local environment. By integrating community involvement, educational activities, and practical conservation efforts, Green Mizoram Day plays a crucial role in the state's efforts to combat climate change and promote a greener, healthier environment for future generations.
The activities undertaken during the Green Mizoram Day are part of a larger effort to promote sustainable agricultural practices and environmental conservation in the region under the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded Green-Ag project of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).